Instrumentasi Biomedis - HAN (2016 2017 1)

Course Objective

It is expected that upon successful completion of the course, students will:

  1. understand the origins and significance of bio-signals
  2. understand the principles of electronic devices to the use and design of instrumentation in the biomedical area
  3. gain a basic knowledge of the operating principles of electrical and other transducers, applied signal and image acquisition and processing
  4. be aware of macro and micro-shock risks and the means by which these risks are minimized  as electrical safety in the medical environment.

Topics of Discussion

  1. Basic concepts of biomedical instrumentation
  2. The origins of bio-potentials
  3. Bio-potentials electrodes and amplifiers
  4. Blood pressure and measurement system
  5. Respiratory system
  6. Clinical laboratory instrumentation
  7. Medical imaging systems
  8. Therapeutic and prosthetic devices
  9. Electrical safety


Components for study evaluation:

  1. A group project  :  10 %
  2. Assignments  :  10%
  3. An individual project  :  15%
  4. Mid-term exam  :  30%
  5. Final exam  :  35%


  1. Homework should have been submitted by the next lecture. Late submission will be accepted up to one day late for 1/2 credit. No further extensions will be granted except in exceptional personal circumstances (documented medical reason or family emergency).
  2. The projects involves researching a medical device and producing a poster/ presentation (for group) and written report (for individual).
  3. The project for this course is a design case study, in which the student is expected to demonstrate skills in literature review and critical understanding of a biomedical product or technique.
  4. A PowerPoint or a poster presentation of the group project findings will be required, which provides a chance for the students to learn how to effectively communicate their findings to the class.
  5. A written report presentation is required for the individual project so that the students have a chance to present their findings in a form of scientific paper.


Dr. Hanung Adi Nugroho

Signal Processing Laboratory (3rd floor DTETI Bld.)

Management Office (1st floor DTETI Bld.) 

email: adinugroho[at]


The recommended textbook is

Webster John G.   Medical Instrumentation - Application and Design, Wiley 3rd/4th ed.

Additional resources:

Barbara L Christe. Introduction to biomedical instrumentation: The technology of patient care, Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Any additional custom courseware and lecture notes will be posted on the Papirus.

Electrical Engineering & Information Technology | Faculty of Engineering | UGM