Untai Elektrik - HAN

Course objective

It is expected that upon successful completion of the course, students will:

  1. Explain the concepts and parameters associated with: voltage, current, power, energy, resistance, capacitance and inductance.
  2. Apply Kirchhoff's laws, linearity, superposition, and Thevenin's theorem in the design and analysis of circuits.
  3. Analyse AC circuits involving active circuit elements.
  4. Determine the transient response of energy storage elements using periodic functions, RMS values and phasors

Topics of discussion:

1. Part 1 : DC Circuit
  1. Basic concepts and laws
  2. Network theorems: Kirchhoff's laws, mesh analysis, Thevenin's, Norton's theorems
  3. Capacitors and inductors
  4. First and second order circuits
2. Part 2 : AC Circuit
  1. Sinusoids and phasors
  2. Steady state analysis
  3. AC power analysis
  4. Three-phase circuit
3. Laplace transform: properties and application to circuits
4. Two –port  networks


The recommended textbook is

Charles K. Alexander and Matthew N.O. Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2009  

Additional resources:

Naeem W. Concepts in Electric Circuits, Concepts in Electric Circuits, Belfast: Dr Wasif Naeem & Ventus Publishing, 2009

Any additional custom courseware and lecture notes will be posted on the Papirus.


Components for study evaluation:

  1. Quizzes & assignments  :  25%
  2. Mid-term exam  :  35%
  3. Final exam  :  40%


Homework should have been submitted by the next lecture. Late submission will be accepted up to two days late for 1/2 credit. No further extensions will be granted except in exceptional personal circumstances (documented medical reason or family emergency).

Electrical Engineering & Information Technology | Faculty of Engineering | UGM